Lovely Lausanne

Today I was in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne, sadly without the now deceased Mr Samaranch. In lieu of our great benefactor, I had hoped to get at least a “The winner is…. SIDENEE!” from one of the townsfolk but alas none obliged.

I hopped on the train at Geneva mid-morning. After 30 minutes of beautiful Swiss countryside, I was in Lausanne. My first stop was a nearby hotel to grab a map to get my bearings and plan the day. I only had about four hours, so I wanted to make the most of it.

I decided that sight-seeing and lunch in Ouchy by Lake Geneva, would be a good starting point. I took the Metro to get there. A nice touch is that when you arrive at the station, they play the sound of waves lapping the shore and seagulls over the PA.

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