Stunning Salève

On Sunday I crossed into France from Geneva to see the view atop Le Salève, a mountain on the border which rises up 1400m.

We took the téléphérique (cable-car) up to the top, a ride that lastest only about eight or so minutes but offers a great view. Once you reach the vista, you’re greeted with a panoramic view of Geneva, the Lake and surrounding countryside.

Feeling somewhat peckish, we dined al fresco style on the tables outside the main restaurant. After a quick lunch of croque monsieur and ham panini, all washed down with Orangina, we took a look around.

Le Salève is a popular spot for extreme sports. Mountain bikers meet here to ride down its woody trail and several businesses operate paragliding experiences from different points on the mountain. You will also see the odd hang-glider.

After we watched a few paragliders take off and took a quick hike on one of the trails, we took the téléphérique back down. But paragliding looks like so much fun, I think I’ll take that route instead next time.

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