Lovely Lausanne

Today I was in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne, sadly without the now deceased Mr Samaranch. In lieu of our great benefactor, I had hoped to get at least a “The winner is…. SIDENEE!” from one of the townsfolk but alas none obliged.

I hopped on the train at Geneva mid-morning. After 30 minutes of beautiful Swiss countryside, I was in Lausanne. My first stop was a nearby hotel to grab a map to get my bearings and plan the day. I only had about four hours, so I wanted to make the most of it.

I decided that sight-seeing and lunch in Ouchy by Lake Geneva, would be a good starting point. I took the Metro to get there. A nice touch is that when you arrive at the station, they play the sound of waves lapping the shore and seagulls over the PA.

It was a gorgeous day and the Good Friday holiday, so Ouchy was populated with mostly tourists. Walking around Lake Geneva was absolutely stunning. Snow-capped mountains in the background, clear blue skies and sail boats dotting the lake all made for a postcard moment.

After a quick lunch of ham and Gruyère cheese crêpe by the water, I strolled to the Musée Olympique. Expecting an experience of Olympian proportions of sights and sounds, I was instead greeted with what I thought was a pretty average sized museum. All the Olympic torches were on display and I learnt more about the history of the Olympics through some really fascinating historical memorabilia.

A quick trip into the Cité (Old Town) yielded cobblestoned streets, fountains and medieval buildings. The main attraction here is the Cathedral, the largest in Switzerland. Its beautifully ornate, 13th century Gothic architecture is adorned with hundreds of sculptures and intricate archways. Inside, the Cathedral boasts an impressive 6,000-pipe organ and several stained glass windows, recounting medieval history. The work of true artisans.

Lausanne should be on your Switzerland itinerary, with its small town charm and stunning scenery. But dedicate a full day to it, there were some things I couldn’t do because I only had a few hours there.

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